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    Monday 27 April 2009

    MS Week UK

    It's MS Week in the UK. Read more at - click the caption above to view the MS Soicety's website.
    Please post in YOUR blog to raise awareness.

    Tuesday 21 April 2009

    Outreach... Reached out!

    Another good day so far!?!

    Just had my first appointment with my Headway Devon Outreach Worker and met his manager too to introduce us. Think Tom & I are going to get on really well. Looking forwards to getting out & about with his assistance to regain my confidence, etc. Tom's assistance will help me get my confidence back and hopefully stretch my desire to get out & about too. My mobility seems fairly good, so... It will be interesting to see how things progress!

    Looking forwards to when I eventually get some proper furniture here in the lounge (been waiting on Argos' suppliers for months!) so then my sun chairs can become patio furniture on the little patio outside my french doors rather than my lounge chairs as they are at the moment!

    I'm so lucky with the location of this council flat - more an apartment really! - looking out on a large green area, river (down a bank) the other side of it. Hustle and bustle of traffic off in the distance but... I think I've found my haven!

    Putting the Pieces Together

    27 April - 3 May sees the MS Society here in the UK celebrating MS Week.

    "MS Week is a chance for the MS Society to get loud about multiple sclerosis (MS), raising awareness of it by reaching out to people who don't know much about it."

    Please take the time to have a look at the MS Society's website - click the title above to go straight to the MS Week feature on the MS Society's website."

    Friday 17 April 2009

    Just been to a experience and preparations are well under way for One Prayer 2009...

    This June, take part in an extraordinary worldwide experience: One Prayer 2009. Unite with churches around the globe to share, serve, and give:

    One Prayer 2009
    Sharing. Serving. Giving.
    One Prayer
    The Church stands together.

    Thursday 16 April 2009

    Blog 'diversification'

    I know when I first started blogging I set out that this was going to be specifically an MS-related journal.

    However, I've realised - as time goes by - that whilst MS is always going to have quite an influence in my life, it doesn't define my life... My friends, my family, my faith, my day-to-day are all part of me - they're what truely define me...

    So, I'm going to try to continue to blog more regularly but... I can't promise it'll always about MS cos... That's not what I'm all about!

    For anyone reading this as specifically an MS record, I apologize but... Hope you'll stay with me and... Hope you'll let me know you're out there too!

    Ok, so I... got distracted...!?!

    Ok, yesterday I said "first of all", but nothing followed...

    Well, life's going pretty well atmo - some aches but no real pains, thankfully! Inffections / cellulitis etc seem to be well under control as well as any associated swelling / fluid retention etc.

    I actually feel pretty much 'normal' now... In fact, I do feel better than 'normal' cos I know what's behind aches, etc... I'm loving my new home - Exeter City Council (under the stewardship of my Social Worker, Juliette Hill) have done me proud finding me this spacious, ground floor flat with wonderful views all round (I'm right by the river!)

    On that note, I'm still waiting on follow-up from my visit by Headway but, yeah... Now that I'm settled here & this place really 'feels' like home, now that my confidence is - slowly - returning and I'm getting 'used' to the rollator (see earlier post), now that I'm growing to - still v gratefully - accept the assistance of my carer(s) as being 'normal' and now that I'm growing to accept that... "Life goes on..."? ...I guess that's why I've been letting my blog slip...

    I know... Poor excuses, but...

    Wednesday 15 April 2009

    Have You Ever Considered the Internet a "Mission Field"?

    Have You Ever Considered the Internet a “Mission” Field?

    Posted using ShareThis

    First of all...

    First of all... Time for me to to say "sowwee"!

    Not just apologizing to you, my readers, but also... Hmmm, apologizing to myself seems kind o' weird, huh?

    I guess I'm acknowledging the loss of discipline I had hoped to build up. I'd lost the sense of acknoledgding and expressing how I'm feeling but... I'm hoping - no, I will - get back into the habit, I promise!

    Wednesday 8 April 2009

    Signs of madness...

    They say it's a sign of madness to talk to yourself. That's exactly what it feels like I'm doing here... I know I've said before it helps to sort thoughts out, etc, but.... Oh heck, I don't know!

    Friday 3 April 2009

    As for today...

    Thursday... Nothing major to report, really... Didn't spend quite so much time at the PC, which felt good, but...

    Thursday 2 April 2009


    No, yesterday I didn't actually get outdoors, but...

    A really great lady - Penny Bloomfield - visited me from Headway Devon ( to introduce me to the organisation and evaluate what services they could offer me. (I should have blogged this sooner really but, anyway, here I am, so...)

    After my appraisal and the bit I'd read on the web, etc too, my opinion of the work thaty Headway do has really change and I'm looking forward to receiving their support. The main purpose for my referal from Social Services was to increase my confidence moving around, including getting out doors, etc.... My confidence hasn't been great for a long while, but since my (non-MS related) fall over Christmas (Okay, I was pig-headed when offered help picking something up and overbalanced! [Yep, I'm big!]) my confidence - and sense of balance - has vanished. I think my diagnosis back in November certainly did explain my on-going problems in this regard though.

    Anyway, Headway are willing to work with me - I'm waiting to be assigned an Outreach Worker - to look at helping me increase my confidence but also to address other issues I have with iother aspects of my mental wellbeing.

    I look forwards to meeting the person who'll be working with me and moving forwards, into a brighter, fresher future...

    Enough to say...?

    To tweet or to blog - that is the question....! Well, I think I have enough to say to "justify" a blog entry.... If it's not then... Tough - this is my blog, I decide! :P As you'll have noticed though, I've now add a Twitter gadget above so, when I do tweet, you can catch that here too :) Anyway... Here goes...