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    Tuesday 24 March 2009

    Same old...

    I guess that - given this is an MS blog - the fact that I have nothing to report is, in fact, a good - a great! - thing? I'm even pleased to report that - with the good weather ion the last few days - I've even found myself wishing I had the confidence to get out in it! I haven't yet chased up what's happening with the befriending services I've been offered by Social Services, but it does feel good to be moving on...

    Mobility is... Doing pretty good! I'm pretty much back to normal, other than the fact I'm still using my rollator rather than a stick At the same time, though, the incresed confidence it's giving me means I'm moving faster than I probably was before, so... Well, time will tell, I guess!

    Monday 23 March 2009

    New layout!

    Yep, I've spent time today redesigning the layout of my blog, so please do click follow if you'd like to keep up-to-date with my entrie... Hope you like the new design - hopefully things are a little more accessible and easy on the eye! I'd really appreciate knowing whose reading me and any comments you may have!

    Thursday 19 March 2009

    "Almost" normal!?!

    Ok, today is another good day. As the title suggests, today I do feel "almost" normal - as normal as I can get, that is! :P

    I got up just after 9 after a reasonably early night. I was stiff - but only cos I ended up sleeping on my back half the night! I was up shortly after 9, took some paracetamol and came & just chilled in front of the tv. The pain soon lifted and I relaxed til 11ish, then I relaxed online for half and hour or so 'til Adrian, my carer, arrived.

    Once Adrian had been, I even felt good - and inspired - enough to properly review my finances, taking print-outs etc too. I was consdidering writing to my bank manager to look at consolidating some debts then remembered I have a sofa on order (since late Jan!) which will be on 6 months interest free credit so... Need to keep some funds available for that! Definitely want to consolidate though but that's on the back burner for the moment...

    Anyway... Back to how I'm feeling, etc... Then felt good enough that... I made myself my own very nice, very tasty 'proper' lunch... Peppered beef salad rolls - tipped salad bags (al fresco and sweet & crunchy salads) into a mixing bowl, tossed them to mix well, bagged some up in a special bag (supposedly I can shake the rest dry to help it keep? I've had them for months so good to finally be putting them to use!) then proceed to fill 6 soft rolls - 3 kept for tomorrow - with peppered beef, salad and slices of beefsteak tomato. Added some (squeezy) mayo to todays 3 and... Mmmmm, they were good! Followed those with a fresh cream choux bun and some strawberries & cream... Yep, I'm packed!

    Weather's good enough that I've had my french doors open on the security chain most of the afternoon! I guess the weather's helping too but... I actually feel like I'm moving around pretty well, feeling more motivated & generally reasonably in control of my life!

    Thank you for reading, thank you for being interested - I look forwards to maybe even hearing from you!

    Wednesday 18 March 2009


    Ok, this is not strictly an MS-related post, but...

    While my carer was here today, he put a lasasgne & garlic bread in the oven - he reminded me I'd chosen to leave them out when putting my monthly shop away yesterday. Mmmmm.... Oven-baked lasagne (not microwaved) :) with garlic breads & special mixed vegetables followed by fresh cream slices...

    I guess the relevance of this is actually on 'bad' days, I ought to learn to swallow my pride and ask Adrian (my main carer) for extra help... Today, actually,though is a good day - I got an earlyish night, I slept well & was actually up early enough that Anita queried why!?! I got Adrian to cook up the food for me purely so I remembered to use it - it came out of the freezer yesterday (to make space fo this month's shopping)... But, yes - I can't deny it was really good to sit down & have a nice meal put in front of me!

    Tuesday 17 March 2009

    Wow- 3 whole days?!?

    Apologies, folks, that it's been 3 days since my last post. Apologies to myself more importantly too, I guess cos this is becoming cathartic...

    Anyway... Just a quiet, non-eventful day on Friday - nice though! Did actually get some sleep Friday night - chose to turn up to the party at Club XFE in Second Life ( fashionably late so could get some sleep first. Nice party then went on a treasure hunt with Anita which we've been doing weekend before too... - again in Second Life. It was great to spend time with her, as ever - who knows where it will lead in the end, but... I carried on with it into the evening too once I'd finished my grocery shop (oops, another long day on PC?!? It is so good to be able to socialise, to relax in good company and meet up with good friends and to do the "real life" stuff conviently from home too!). I watched some programmes on the net and spent some more treasure hunting and... Before I knew it was 3:30am...

    "Why am I recording all this in an MS blog?", you may well ask...! Faecal incontinence then decided to kick in :( I almost made it to the toilet but... Managed to decorate part of the bathroom floor - sorry for the details, folks, but... - and some of the toilet bowl... Think I finally made it to bed about 5;20am once I settled down...

    Thankfully then a much calmer Sunday followed! I slept in pretty much til my carer arrived and he helped me clear up then went back to bed 'til midafternoon... I had a really good night's sleep Sunday night having enjoyed a brand new series at church ( - Church online? Seriously.) Other than that I was glad to have a quietish day!

    Bladder incontinence has... Pretty much been under conrol recently... I'm still glad to be using pads cos of "leaks", etc, but... Other symptomsa are pretty good too atmo, not even needing paracetamol really - though a single dose does seem to help... Thank goodness I don't need anything stronger atmo...?

    Oh, only other "news" was my monthly shop (you guessed it - online!) arrived today and it does actually feel good to have lots of fresh fruit & veg in the house, etc... Now just to have the discipline to cook, etc! My carer looked after some nice streak burgers and fresh baguettes while I showered this morning (once he'd unpacked all my shop with me (well, ok - under my "supervision"!) and... I think fruit will do for rest of evening! (oh, ok... And maybe some doughnuts/fresh cream cakes too - hey! I only shop once a month! :P Choux bun or cream slice? I decide!)

    Thursday 5 March 2009

    Good day again!

    Woke up feeling a lot fresher this morning :) Woohoo! It makes the whole day go so much more smoothly... Ok, only did odd little jobs again but... Yep, I did "something"!

    Dunno why it took me so long to get into this but... Feels good to be blogging too!

    Mid-afternoon, got a call from my uncle. He was up atg headquarters of the company he works for - up in Hertfordshire, apparently so I assumed it was just part of his drive home. He has called me before when on the road or whatever, so thought nothing more of it... 6:15pm comes around and... Uncle Geoff calls again to say... He's at the end of my road! Turns out he was actually in Southampton and was checking I was home for the evening then drove all that way to come visit for a few hours, see my new home, how I was getting on, etc! What a lovely few hours! Hope he's getting on ok now with his drive back to Essex.

    Wednesday 4 March 2009

    Twists and turns...

    Ok... This morning, having slept well, I'm stiff (even after taking my usual paracetamol), I'm fatigued and yawning at 10:30am... Grrr...

    Tuesday 3 March 2009

    A positive today!

    My original caption was I achieved more today, but... Nah, other people helped me achieve more... Still...

    I'm feeling better - for the moment - for being up & about earlier, for not spending half the night here on the PC & for breaking away rom the computer too... I feel better for being more ctive, for walking better. I feel better cos Social Services are arrranging a befriender to assist me in gaining my confidence out & about. I feel beter cos I updated my To Do list yesteday and I have actually done the majority of it over the 6 wereks since I drew it up. My carer seemed to have more time this morning, seemed to achieve more. Working with my cleaner, I got two cupboards pulled out, shelves re-arranged, stuff put back in in an orderly fashion... Ok, I supervised, but... Yeah. Maybe there is something in this PMA stuff, just maybe.

    Monday 2 March 2009

    Eat well & prosper

    As I mentioned previously, I did have brekky today and am trying to think more about getting back on track with "structured eating" - proper meals, meal times, etc...

    Though this *munch, munch* chewing gum keeps my mouth busy, I'm sure OD'ing on it doesn't do me much good & I know my system needs all sorts of nutrients too... (Talking of which, must get into habit of taking my vitamins too! Ooh, it's Monday - good day to start!)

    On a plus point, I AM taking my meds regularly so... All good, I guess!

    It's not difficult, really!

    Just reminding myself I really ought to blog more often - sorry for the gap folks!

    Who's that in the shadows?!?

    I know I've got one follower - *waves* Hi Ali! - but I hope maybe I've got more readears too s& perhaps some people joining frtom ther MS Help & Support Group in Second Life too? Don't be shy, come forward & I'd love to hear from you!

    Today is a good day...

    Today I woke up refreshed, got up and did stuff around the kitchen, sorted my own breakfast, juice, etc and was wide awake & sparky once my carer arrived. :) Must get back on track with regular eating cos I ate very little over the weekend.

    Spasticity today is... A bit stiff but totally manageable. Bladder control is all good at present - though my carer alerted me I'm running very low on pads - oops! Spoke to the Incontinence Care Team & seems were delivered to old address back at start of January! Ug! The clerical guy I spoke to is flagging it to the nurses & will see what can be arranged - eg emergency delivery.