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    Tuesday 21 April 2009

    Outreach... Reached out!

    Another good day so far!?!

    Just had my first appointment with my Headway Devon Outreach Worker and met his manager too to introduce us. Think Tom & I are going to get on really well. Looking forwards to getting out & about with his assistance to regain my confidence, etc. Tom's assistance will help me get my confidence back and hopefully stretch my desire to get out & about too. My mobility seems fairly good, so... It will be interesting to see how things progress!

    Looking forwards to when I eventually get some proper furniture here in the lounge (been waiting on Argos' suppliers for months!) so then my sun chairs can become patio furniture on the little patio outside my french doors rather than my lounge chairs as they are at the moment!

    I'm so lucky with the location of this council flat - more an apartment really! - looking out on a large green area, river (down a bank) the other side of it. Hustle and bustle of traffic off in the distance but... I think I've found my haven!

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    You know ARGOS need to get ther S*^T together already ! its been ages.

    do you know how THRILLED i am that your hooking up with your outreach worker and its going great.. I could squeal - seriously

    don't for get to take happy smiling pictures when your out on your travels hehe

    All the best.
