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    Tuesday 17 March 2009

    Wow- 3 whole days?!?

    Apologies, folks, that it's been 3 days since my last post. Apologies to myself more importantly too, I guess cos this is becoming cathartic...

    Anyway... Just a quiet, non-eventful day on Friday - nice though! Did actually get some sleep Friday night - chose to turn up to the party at Club XFE in Second Life ( fashionably late so could get some sleep first. Nice party then went on a treasure hunt with Anita which we've been doing weekend before too... - again in Second Life. It was great to spend time with her, as ever - who knows where it will lead in the end, but... I carried on with it into the evening too once I'd finished my grocery shop (oops, another long day on PC?!? It is so good to be able to socialise, to relax in good company and meet up with good friends and to do the "real life" stuff conviently from home too!). I watched some programmes on the net and spent some more treasure hunting and... Before I knew it was 3:30am...

    "Why am I recording all this in an MS blog?", you may well ask...! Faecal incontinence then decided to kick in :( I almost made it to the toilet but... Managed to decorate part of the bathroom floor - sorry for the details, folks, but... - and some of the toilet bowl... Think I finally made it to bed about 5;20am once I settled down...

    Thankfully then a much calmer Sunday followed! I slept in pretty much til my carer arrived and he helped me clear up then went back to bed 'til midafternoon... I had a really good night's sleep Sunday night having enjoyed a brand new series at church ( - Church online? Seriously.) Other than that I was glad to have a quietish day!

    Bladder incontinence has... Pretty much been under conrol recently... I'm still glad to be using pads cos of "leaks", etc, but... Other symptomsa are pretty good too atmo, not even needing paracetamol really - though a single dose does seem to help... Thank goodness I don't need anything stronger atmo...?

    Oh, only other "news" was my monthly shop (you guessed it - online!) arrived today and it does actually feel good to have lots of fresh fruit & veg in the house, etc... Now just to have the discipline to cook, etc! My carer looked after some nice streak burgers and fresh baguettes while I showered this morning (once he'd unpacked all my shop with me (well, ok - under my "supervision"!) and... I think fruit will do for rest of evening! (oh, ok... And maybe some doughnuts/fresh cream cakes too - hey! I only shop once a month! :P Choux bun or cream slice? I decide!)

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    hehe welcome Back